險、金融投資、信用卡及創新出行服務。公司創始人戈特利布·戴姆勒和卡爾·本茨于 1886 年發明了汽車,書寫了歷史新篇章。作為汽車行業的先驅,戴
Objective of job
• Responsible for RD&P China communication in different channels
(Newsletter, Social intranet, On-air Intranet, TV screens, building posters…)
• Project management of RD&P China culture initiatives, tracking and
monitoring initiatives implementation status
• Organize RD&P China culture events & activities, including event
planning, marketing, and communication
• RD&P China People, Culture and innovation initiatives implementation
• Other communication or culture related information exchange and status
• Education
- Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, Marketing or related area
- Background and experience concerning project management
- Good communication and writing skills in English
- Open minded, international and creative thinking
• Experience
- Several years of experience in internal or external communication
• Experience
- Fluent in English and German is a plus
- Strong communication skills
Task description
• Drive RD& P China internal communication
- Responsible for RD&P China communication, ensure news and events
articles could be published timely and regularly with good quality
- Editorial tasks such as topic selection, editing, putting layout, coordination
of time lime
• Support RD &P culture activities/events with internal communication plan
- Responsible for RD&P China initiatives/events organizing, tracking and
monitoring, ensure the initiatives to be implemented and updated timely
- Project management of RD&P China initiatives, provide overall initiatives
status overview and management reporting timely
• Key Account for RD & P external communication
- Close cooperation with DGRC COM & BMBS COM to drive RD & P
external communication strategy in China
• Coordinate and support on all communication/culture related topics within
RD & P
- Ad hoc tasks and others
- For example: improvement of location communication within RD &P; …
• Support for RD & P other events