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Many of our popular master's programs are still available in the January enrolment season. We believe this will provide the best backup for students who missed September enrolment. We are looking forward to your applications. 奧斯特大學的眾多熱門碩士專業一月入學, 目前仍在火熱報名中。我們相信這將為之前錯過9月入學的學生提供最佳的備用方案。期待來自您及您團隊的申請。


Courses Highlights熱門課程推薦

機械工程碩士 - MSc Mechanical Engineering

The course is combined with internationally recognized research results in the fields of aerospace composites, polymers, advanced metal forming and nanotechnology.該課程授課內容結合航空航天復合材料、聚合物、先進金屬成型和納米技術等領域獲得國際認可的研究成果。

The University works with many industrial sectors, including aerospace, automotive, material handling, shipping and energy. Our students will receive extensive internship opportunities and research experience.大學與航空航天、汽車、材料處理、船舶和能源等眾多工業部門進行多方合作。我們的學生將獲得豐富的實習機會和研究經驗。

The faculty of this course have rich industry experience in working with many companies, and can provide valuable guidance and research support for students該課程的任課老師均具有與眾多公司合作的豐富行業經驗,能為學生提供寶貴的指導及研究支持


物聯網碩士 – MSc Internet of Things

This master's program combines the international leading research results of Ulster University to promote teaching through research.本碩士課程結合奧斯特大學所取得的國際領先的研究成果,實現以研促教。

The University has created a good universal computing and mobile computing learning environment for students, and is equipped with contemporary advanced sensing technology and rapid molding equipment.奧斯特大學為學生們創造了良好的普適計算和移動計算學習環境,并配備當代先進的傳感技術和快速成型設備。

人工智能碩士 – MSc Artificial Intelligence

The University has introduced millions of pounds of ubiquitous mobile computing environment and infrastructure.英國奧斯特大學引進數百萬英鎊的大規模無處不在的移動計算環境及基礎設施。

The University has modern sensing technology and rapid prototyping equipment to support the curriculum.大學擁有現代化傳感技術和快速原型制作設備為課程提供支持。


The content of the course benefits from leading international research at the college and strong industry partnerships. The most famous is the establishment of the BT Irish Innovation Centre on campus with BT (BT) through a joint £28.6 million investment. 該課程的內容得益于該學院正在進行的國際領先研究以及強大的行業合作伙伴關系。其中最著名的是與英國電信(BT)通過共同注資2860萬英鎊在校內建成英國電信愛爾蘭創新中心。

數據科學碩士 – MSc Data Science

This course aims to cultivate excellent data science or business analysts, training students to master data acquisition, information extraction, data aggregation and data representation, data analysis, knowledge extraction and analysis of professional skills, so they will meet the industry demand for talents in this field.英國奧斯特大學的數據科學碩士課程旨在培養優秀的數據科學或商業分析師,培養學生掌握數據獲取、信息提取、數據聚合與數據表示、數據分析、知識抽取與解析等方面的專業技能,使他們能夠勝任各行業對該領域人才的需求。

This course aims to delivering professionals to IT, safety and health, intelligent transportation, energy efficiency, and other creative industries.數據科學碩士,為IT、安全與健康、智能交通、能源利用效率和其他創造性行業輸送專業的人才。

The course will also combine the international leading research results of the UU to achieve the model of promoting education through research and combining industry and education.該課程 還將結合奧斯特大學所取得的國際領先的研究成果,實現以研促教,產教結合的模式。

The university is committed to creating a good universal computing and mobile computing learning environment for students, and is equipped with contemporary advanced sensing technology and rapid molding equipment.大學致力于為學生們創造良好的普適計算和移動計算學習環境,并配備當代先進的傳感技術和快速成型設備。

國際商務碩士 – MSc International Business


This course is open to students from all professional backgrounds. 本專業面向所有專業背景的學生,非同類專業均可報名申請。

Students will gain knowledge of the political, social, and cultural aspects of different trade groups, especially in the European Union, Asia, and North America本碩士課程講師學生獲得對不同貿易集團,特別是歐盟、亞洲及北美的政治、社會和文化方面的知識。

The course is unique from its diverse student community. Experience from different cultural, economic and employment backgrounds is invaluable to international business talent. 該課程獨特之處來源于多元化學生群體。來自不同文化、經濟和就業背景的經驗對于國際商務人才來說非常寶貴。

The course focuses on practicality, with optional placement opportunity, and students will have chances to directly participate in real-life work scenarios. 該課程注重實踐性,有帶實習和不帶實習兩種選擇,學生將有機會直接參與現實工作場景。


管理學碩士 – MSc Management

This course is open to students from all professional backgrounds.本專業面向所有專業背景的學生,非同類專業均可報名申請。

Ulster University, a member of the British Business School Charter Association, and a collaborator of Dr. Duan Babson College, ranked seventh in its research influence in the UK.奧斯特大學商學院時英國商學院特許協會會員,哈佛商學院競爭力微觀經濟學網絡成員,以及博士段巴布森學院的合作者,其研究影響力全英國排名第7位。

The course focuses on practicality, with optional placement opportunities, and students will have chances to directly participate in real-life work scenarios.該課程注重實踐性,有帶實習和不帶實習兩種選擇,學生將有機會直接參與現實工作場景。


國際商法與替代性糾紛解決法學碩士 - LLM International Commercial Law and ADR

Opportunity for professional mediation qualification (accredited by Mediation NI) 專業調解師資格的機會(北愛爾蘭調解仲裁協會認證)

Practical, cutting edge, developed with industry input as to areas of focus實用,前沿,行業合作開發的重點領域

Professional links - delivered in association with professionals from leading commercial legal firms專業聯系-由來自領先的商業法律事務所的專業人士合作提供

Employability – our aim is to ensure all students have appropriate exposure to the commercial legal world preparing them for the workplace in their chosen field就業能力——我們的目標是確保所有學生都能適當地接觸到商業法律世界,為他們所選的職場所做好準備

Work experience – opportunities for internships with industry experts工作經驗-與行業專家一起實習的機會

