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美國TOP50大學心理學項目對GRE sub的要求

2013年02月21日來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng)作者: 萬佳留學

         GRE subject test in Psychology是心理學的一個專項考試,很多同學在問,申請美國心理學項目用不用考GRE sub,下面,我們就來看一下以下六個TOP50大學的心理學項目對于GRE sub的要求。

  1、Stanford University

  GRE subject test in Psychology is not required. Many students submit their GRE Subject test scores to demonstrate knowledge of the field. We encourage those who have taken the exam to submit their scores.

  2、Columbia University

  Take the GRE (the General Test is required, and the Subject Test is strongly recommended)

  3、Yale University

  An official record of Verbal and Quantitative scores on the GRE Aptitude Test is required as part of the application [NOTE: the GRE Subject Test is not required]

  4、University of Minnesota--Twin Cities

  GRE Record Examination—Subject Test in Psychology Scores

  The following programs strongly recommend that you submit GRE Psychology Test scores: Clinical Science, Counseling, and Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavior Genetics. Follow the same procedures listed above for submitting the GRE General Test scores.


  5、University of Wisconsin-Madison

  The department strongly recommends that applicants also take the Psychology Subject Test of the GRE, or the subject test of the GRE that is closest to the student's undergraduate major.

  2000-2003被錄取者平均成績基本在,GPA:3.70 GRE V:640 Q:715。

  6、University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  Test scores on Graduate Record Examinations (subject test is recommended not required)

  以往平均錄取的申請者GPA:3.74、GRE V:624 Q:717、TOEFL:607。

  所以說,申請美國心理學項目GRE sub并不是必須的,當然,有SUB成績可能更有利于申請,但沒有SUB的同學應該把精力更多放在研究背景提升上,這在申請中也是占重要地位的。
